After the Civil War, the
United Confederate Veterans and United Daughters of the
Confederacy were very active in helping the old Civil
War Veterans and began to erect monuments in their
honor. Below
is a listing of Confederate Monuments that are located
in Texas by County. There are more than fifty Civil
War statues and memorials located in Texas and hundreds
throughout the South. The United Confederate
Veterans of Texas and The United Daughters of the
Confederacy usually sponsored the construction of the
Confederate monuments and statues, with the most popular
design being the traditional statue of a confederate
soldier who stands at parade rest on summits overlooking
parks, cemeteries, and courthouse lawns throughout the
state of Texas. When the Confederate statues in
Texas were being erected, may communities struggled for
years raising the funds for the confederate monument to
honor the veterans. Most of the Confederate Statues
in Texas are over 100 years old and the quality of workmanship is
incredible. There are links to the different
counties in Texas and we are trying to include
photographs of monuments in every county along with
photos of Confederate Veterans Reunions. If you have any
photos or information that you would like to contribute
please email us at These statues are truly a
treasure and piece of Texas History. |
The design of the Confederate monument now being
built in San Antonio by the Barnard E. Bee Chapter, U. D. C., is
from the pencil of Miss Virginia Montgomery, of New Orleans. The
design is symbolical in each exquisite
detail—the stars, the wreaths of ivy, the circlets of laurel
upon the,
outspread wings of butterflies, the square
granite shaft, the sword,
gun, and bayonet in the furled “Stars and Bars,” the Confederate
soldier with uplifted arm—all emphasizing “Lest we forget” and
“Our cause is with God,” the inscriptions on
the monument. |
The work of the Barnard E. Bee Chapter
in erecting the first historic monument in the city of San
Antonio is most commendable. In less than three years, led by
their indefatigable President, Mrs. A. W. Houston, they have, by
tireless efforts, secured the means for rearing this beautiful
memorial to honor the Confederate heroes wherever they fell. All
worked faithfully, but it is not amiss to mention especially the
name of Mrs. J. P. Nelson, who alone, by her personal endeavor,
contributed $500 to the cause. As a token of appreciation, the
Daughters awarded her a rich and beautiful medal.
following brief report is by Miss Lillian Byrn, Historian of
Barnard E. Bee Chapter, San Antonio: |
Daughters of the Confederacy enjoy the distinction of unveiling
the first monument ever erected in San Antonio. This tribute to
Confederate soldiers is placed in the center of the handsomest
of the many parks for which San Antonio is justly noted. The
unveiling took place on Saturday, April 28
in tile presence of the largest outdoor
assemblage ever witnessed in the History of the city. The day
was perfect, and the “se of upturned faces,” the background of
tender, green spring tints, and the profusion of floral
offerings presented a living picture worthy of a master brush.
The Barnard E. Bee Chapter, U. D. C.,
is composed of representative women of San Antonio. It is the
largest chapter in the State, and numbers in its ranks those
whose lives are full of social duties, of business and home
cares, all united by the bonds of love and harmony and inspired
by the enthusiastic zeal of their worthy President. Since its
organization, in 1896, the chapter has had but one President,
Mrs. A. N. Houston.
She it was whose
loving thought suggested the erection of a monument, and it is
owing to her unfailing energy and
untiring devotion that the project was so speedily and
successfully carried out. Descended from the most ardent and
devoted patriots of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, Mrs.
Houston brings to her work a reverential love for and profound
faith -in our sacred cause, tempered by that conservatism and
cool judgment so necessary for the guidance of such affairs. She
is eloquent in praise of her chapter—proud not only of its
numbers, but of its enthusiasm. I have never seen such eager and
willing workers, such thorough devotion, and such a harmonious
spirit as pervades our organization. |
The money for the
monument was raised by means of teas, by concerts, by dances,
and by old—fashioned quilting bees. Every cent was paid before
the unveiling. The materials used are native granite and marble
of Texas, and the work was done by a San Antonio sculptor, Mr.
Frank Teich. The design was most generously donated by Miss
Virginia Montgomery, a talented young artist whom New Orleans is
proud to call her own. The entire conception is symbolical. The
stars bespeak the resplendent courage of the Southern soldiers,
and the laurel wreaths testify to our undying memory of their
matchless valor. The furled flag and the uplifted arm of the
soldier represent our trust that our cause rests with God. The
polished shaft rising from the rough and sturdy granite base—all
are emblematic of the brilliant achievement, the endurance, the
the unchanging
devotion, that characterized all ranks of Confederate soldiers.
The orator
chosen for the unveiling
was Hon.
Columbus Upson, who bears a fine reputation as a speaker and as
a soldier. On the stand with Col. Upson were Judge John H.
Reagan, Postmaster General under President Davis, a man skilled
in public life, whom his
countrymen delight to honor; Gay. Joseph D. Sayers; Gen. J. B.
Polley, Commander of the Texas Division, U. C. V.; Dr. J.T.
Largen, Commander of Albert Sidney Johnston Camp, U. C. V.;
Mayor Marshall Hicks; Hon. A. W. Houston; Mrs. A. W. Houston,
President, and the other officers of the Barnard E. Bee Chapter,
U D. C. The guard of honor was composed of the Albert Sidney
Johnston Camp, the United Sons f Confederate Veterans, the E. 0.
C. Ord Post (G. A. R.), the Belknap Rifles, and the San Antonio
Zouaves. |
Following Col. Upson’s stirring
address, little Laura Winstead, the four-year--old granddaughter
of Mrs. Houston, pulled the cord that tore away
the veil,
revealing the heroic figure of a
private soldier that surmounts the forty-foot shaft. A moment of
deep feeling hushed the vast crowd, while the band softly played
a dirge; then came a wild burst of spontaneous cheering, to
which the veterans added the Rebel yell, and the band changed to
“Dixie,” It was some time before the cheers and enthusiasm
subsided sufficiently to permit the
reading of the congratulatory telegrams and the presentation to
Mrs. Houston by Judge Reagan of a silver urn and salver, a
testimonial from her loving coworkers. Mrs. Houston, completely
responded in a
and feeling
extempore speech. |
After this a general reception was
held, and nearly all present came forward to express their
appreciation of the exercises and meet the distinguished
visitors. |