March 27, 1909
Katie Daffan Chapter, U.D.C. met in open session Friday afternoon with Mrs. F.A. Hauslein to celebrate Texas Independence day.  There was a good attendance of the members and a large number of guests present.  In the business session several matters of importance were brought up, chief among which was the suggestion by Mrs. Berry that the Daughters erect a Confederate monument on the court house lawn.  She stated that the other women's clubs of the town were willing to aid in the work if the Daughters would make the initiative.  Mrs. Berry asked that some action be taken at the next meeting.
The visitors present expressed themselves as greatly pleased with the program rendered and the objects of the work of the Daughters.  Before the end of the meeting had come a number of applications for membership were had.  Refreshments were served by several hostess.
The following program was rendered:
Roll call- One of the resources of Texas
Song- "Our Southland" - Chapter
Piano solo- Miss Irma Berry
Paper -"The lineup of the Great Men of Texas- Mrs. J.D. Parks.
Vocal solo-"Sweet Bird of Songs"- Mrs. Foreman
Paper- "Battles Under the Texas Flag"-Mrs. Hauslein
Piano solo- "la Norma"- Miss Gates
Paper-"The Texas Division U.D.C. - Mrs. Berry
Vocal solo, selected- Mrs. Banks
December 5, 1913
The second benefit for the United Confederate Veterans monument fund is being held this week, and is the sale of the U.D.C. plates being held now at the Fair.  The plates, accepted as the design for the Texas Chapters, are very pretty, with the central picture the head of Robert E. Lee, above which, at the top, is a replica of the Confederate Women's Home at Austin, and at the bottom, the seal of the Daughters of the Confederacy.  Five pointed stars representing Texas from the broken border, making the plate suggestive and representative of the Texas Chapters.
Of interest here is the fact that the design, chosen at the Grand Chapter meeting in Houston two years ago, was originated by Mrs. Charles Gatewood of Denton, and chosen from among several hundred others entered.  The designs were sent to England, drawings made and plates designed from drawings.  Mrs. Gatewood volunteered to secure a supply of plates, of which all Texas Chapters have copies, for Denton, and to use the proceeds above the cost for the monument fund.
May 9, 1918
The Confederate monument purchased by the Daughters of the Confederacy has arrived in Denton and is now on track at the railway yards awaiting the arrival of a representative from the marble company who, with the members of the local monument committee, will complete the arrangements for the corner-stone laying and final dedication on June 3.  A suitable program is being prepared. On which side of the court house lawn the monument will be placed has not yet been determined, as the donors to the fund are permitted to say which side they prefer it to be placed. As all of the money has not yet been collected it cannot be told yet where the majority of contributors would want it.
The local Daughters of the Confederacy have devoted much time during the past two or three years to securing the funds for this memorial to the great number of men who served from this county in the Civil War, and the greater part of the money necessary to pay for it is on hand.  The names of all Confederates in the county, whether living or dead, are to be placed in the cornerstone.  The monument is a very handsome structure and will add greatly to the appearance of the court house lawn.
The committee in charge of the monument has issued the following statement:
"All outstanding subscriptions to the monument fund are now due and payable to the "treasurer of the monument committee."  New subscriptions of cash and pledges will be gladly received, as the chapter wishes to dedicate the monument free of debt.  The committee has made arrangements with the banks to receive funds and credit same to the monument fund, or any of the chairmen, Mmes. C.R. Gatewood, A.C. Owsley, L.A. McDonald and T.E. Berry, will receive donations and credit them to the fund.
"Donors will please state on which side of the square they wish the monument placed.  The final decision on the location is to be made within a few days and those businessmen who have not had a part in this work may by their donations decide the location.
"A tentative program has been arranged and letters have been written to the speakers.  When their acceptances are received the complete program will be announced.  It is planned to make June 3rd a great day in Denton."
May 14, 1918
Cornerstone Ceremonies at
9:30 Tomorrow For Monument
Informal ceremonies attending the laying of the cornerstone for the Confederate monument will be held at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, it was announced today by Mrs. C.C. Yancey, president of the Katie Daffen chapter, U.D.C., and the only formal number on the program will be the address of Senator George M. Hopkins.  The general public is invited and an special invitation is extended to the Confederate Veterans and their wives. 
One of the articles to go in the cornerstone box is a roster of the Confederate veterans of the county.  The list secured includes the roster of the Sull Ross camp and those names included in B.F. Bates history of the county.  But it is desired to make a roll complete and all Confederates who's names do not appear on either of those lists are asked to telephone 3644, or Mrs. C.C. Yancey, telephone 355, and turn in their names, company and regiment at once.
May 30, 1918
With a grand total of $1,196.00, a little more than $300.00 of which is in outstanding notes and subscripts, Katie Daffan chapter, U.D.C., is ready now to have the Confederate memorial monument erected as a gateway to the courthouse park, and but for the fact that a proposal is pending action to have the boundaries of the park moved, would have begun some time ago arrangements for the erection of the monument and its unavailing on flag day in June, as was originally planned.
The  proposal; to change the boundaries of the court park, however, has not been acted on, since it is considered necessary to have this done in order to make court lawn more effective as a park, the monument work cannot be begun until the boundaries are changed and settled.  It is now planed to unveil the monument on the birthday of John H. Reagan, October 8,  by which time it is felt certain that the park matter will have to be settled.
The statement from the Katie Daffan chapter with regard to the matter, and a report of monument funds follows: "To the Public"
Katie Daffan Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, announced  in these columns a few months ago that the Confederate monument would be ready for dedication on June 3, 1916, anniversary of the birth-day of Jefferson Davis.
"We have funds on hand, and available, to have the monument erected at this time, as the contract requires the company to place it in position on payment of one-half the stipulated price, the balance to be paid in one and two years; but there is a proposition to change the boundaries of the court house park now pending, and, desiring that the location of the monument, as a gate-way to the park, may be permanent, we have decided to defer the dedication until the final adjustment of that